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Q-Exam® OSCE is our software for standardized, station-based observational exams in medicine.
The software is also applicable to MMI-exams (Multiple Mini Interviews).

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Structured OSCE Examination Checklists

Structured OSCE Examination Checklists

For observational exams it is essential to have a clear solution horizon, e.g. through checklists or solution forms, avialable prior to the exam. With the OSCE feature of our Q-Exam® Institution platform you can easily create those checklists and all other examination material (case studies, patient files, ...) collaboratively together with other faculty members involved in the OSCE exam. Prior to the exam, all material passes through a review process to increase the quality of each form.

Central Database

Central Database

All stations / checklists, their meta- and performance data, and all review steps are saved centrally in the the Q-Exam® Institution database. New e-OSCE exams can easily be created by including proven stations from old exams. Stations / checklist can also be exchanged among colleagues. Author rights remain protected.

Scheduling Time Slots, Stations, and Rooms

Scheduling Time Slots, Stations, and Rooms

Q-Exam® OSCE automatically manages time slots, stations, rooms, and all other ressources conveniently at the touch of a button. Schedules remain adaptable all the time, even at the day of the exam.

Evaluation and Analysis

Evaluation and Analysis

All results are immediatelly available directly after the exam: a valuable surplus for your students. The immediate provision of results also allows to expedite post-review processes and to include feedback rounds after each turn. A uniform evaluation of students' performances and a central archiving of all data also supports legal security of the exam. Furthermore, all information always remains easily accessible for the deanery and the examination office.